Cllr. Bridget Fishleigh

BH2023/00157 - Rottingdean Bowls Clubhouse


23rd February 2023 (objection):

I fully support Rottingdean Bowls Club’s desire for improved facilities for its members and have said I will help with fundraising.


Please can this application be considered by the Planning Committee so the issues that haven’t been ironed out can be discussed in public. I thank the club

for removing the electric hand dryers from the proposed new men’s toilet block, however, I object to the application as it stands today.


I am not qualified to advise on the technical planning or legal aspects of the objections raised by the residents of Challoners Mews but it is clear that the residents’ objections as to roof height and shape, and window obfuscation must be considered, and, if needs be, accompanied by further consultation.


Similarly, the location of the proposed recycling area and ground source heat pump must be carefully considered so as to avoid inconvenience or nuisance to adjoining properties.


The Council may need to seek legal advice upon the following issues although, ultimately, the parties will also need to seek independent legal advice as these are private law issues which may ultimately not directly concern the Council in connection with the Planning process:

1. Boundary Wall / Party Wall

2. Prescriptive Rights



Please note the only consultation on the previous application was initiated by me. For this application, I’m  only aware of meeting between the club and some residents application to discuss the enclosure of a gas flue. I was not invited to this meeting. Further consultation is clearly needed.


I hope that residents and the bowls club will be able to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.